The Essentials



A customizable program, the Essentials Leadership Program builds on the foundation of Leadership as an Identity.

It is a multi-week program designed to complement specific business needs, offering focused modules on critical leadership skills, flexible scheduling options, and targeted support to address unique challenges for leaders today.

Leadership Development is not a one-time event, it’s a journey.

This program includes topics that align with leadership effectiveness with targeted support to address unique challenges for your firm. We will work together to customize the overall flow, specific topics, rollout, and sponsorship ideas

  • Spreading out the topics over several weeks allows attending leaders time to take it in, to explore ideas within your day job. To actually make the content personal and actionable.

  • We spend time with deep group discussions really exploring the nuance of each topic. Again, focused on deep personalization and action - tying each topic to your leadership handprint and style.

  • We utilize the Leadership Circle Profile 360° self-assessment for two reasons.

    First, As a learning tool. All attendees get to learn how they appear as a leader, so can decide where/how they might want to invest in their leadership approach over time.

    Second: As a language tool: To give attendees a more specific language and approach to exploring and talking about leadership.

  • For each week, there is specific actionable homework for exploration and deeper learning and personalization.

  • Each attendee will have multiple 1:1 coaching sessions with a workshop leader. These sessions are focused on deepening learning, exploring topics desired, ensuring concepts are taken in, personalized, and actioned.

    Like all coaching, these sessions are primarily focused and driven by the attendee, to ensure the most value for time.

Ready to Elevate your Leadership Journey?

What makes the NovusWorks approach different?

  • We start by building and locking onto leadership mindset, leadership identity.

    From this place, we leaders can build a valuable core of principles and actions to be leveraged again and again within out leadership.

  • It’s very easy for programs to be too far tipped towards theory or the other way, just tips and actions - with no deep understanding of the ‘why’.

    Leadership Vantage intentionally walks a line between these two - exploring some depth of ‘why’, and then focusing on personalization, tips and individual actions.

  • We intentionally select seasoned leaders to lead the Leadership Vantage program.

    We do this to support deeper, more nuanced exploration of topics, and to better support personalization of actions and how each attending leader will ‘make this work for their style’.

  • Getting leadership development to “stick”, where we remember it, where we action it after the event is done is a core focus for NovusWorks. We want this journey to have deep, lasting, and personal impact for every attendee.

    there are over 8 different elements in the overall program design focused on this outcome. we take this very seriously. We value your time and investment and know you’re looking to actually grow, not just attend another course…

  • Cohorts are intentionally smaller with Leadership Vantage. This supports our goal that each attendee has the focus and support to take in the ideas, personalize them to their style and effect.

    This is a core element of actually contributing to your leadership journey…

Get in Touch

We’re ready to explore and build the right solution for you and your team.